our world has been crazy. crazy busy. jam packed full. with stuff. that sometimes i wish could be erased from the calendar - and the only worry in the world i had was spending time with my husband. but that's not life. far from it.
busy may not even really describe our summer. i don't even know what the word would be. our plates are full. really beyond full. our bodies are tired- and most days we wish there were more hours in a day.
we were able to cram in a couple of trips - really only one we were able to take together - oh Chicago how we enjoyed you! the others were work related (for the hubs) and i took a family vacay with my parents to Destin - it was beautiful but would have been even better with my partner in crime by my side.
on top of reagan being crazy busy for work- going here there and everywhere. and out of town what feels like more times than none. he also has me to deal with - and i can be a handful at times... along with grad school as a fightin' texas aggie. honestly i do not think that man knows what the word rest means. i am proud of him beyond words- and grateful for all the long hours he puts in and the hard work he does for our family. he truly is such a blessing to me.
so i try my best to keep up with reagan's schedule- all the while getting prepared for my final child life internship that starts august 25th. eeeek. i am excited and nervous and scared all wrapped into one. and if starting an internship wasn't enough - i took a leap of faith and applied to grad school - a masters in counseling. double eeeek. i may be crazy. but i thought what the heck, now is the time to pursue dreams - reagan is so busy i might as well be equally busy, and then when we are all done we can go on a really awesome vacation! haha. i won't find out if i got in until the spring- but i was proud of myself for at least taking the step to apply- which was a lot for me. like big. God is moving y'all- and that makes me smile.
its funny, because as we sat and talked the other night- after not seeing each other for 2 weeks (hardest 2 weeks ever) we laughed because we honestly can't believe where God has us right now. so many new beginnings. so many unknowns. and to be frank... we both thought we would have a child by now. (seriously going on 9 years together in November and married over 4 years- we have known each other for a loooong time)... and as much as we both want that, i am not sure that is what God has for us right now. and honestly some days that makes me super sad. and other days i am totally okay with that. because i know that one day that dream of ours will come true. and we will get to hold our precious bundle in our arms and that will be pure bliss. more than anything this summer i have learned to trust and to just jump all in because God's ways are perfect. and my plans are so imperfect. and messed up. He knows. and that's what reagan and i keep reminding each other- He knows. He knows our hearts. and our desires. and what makes us happy and sad. He knows- and i have to trust that in his amazingly awesome and perfect plan everything will be as it needs to be when He is ready for us!
so we are trusting. and taking baby steps along these crazy journeys and continuing to share the desires of our heart with not only each other but our sweet Lord- because he cares so much. and i am grateful for that.
we are grateful for new opportunities. more time to date each other and focus on our marriage. more time to invest in others. more time to love people within our church. more time to laugh with friends. and more time to strive towards goals we set long ago for each other and ourselves.
i am grateful God chose me to do life with this man. it can be a little crazy. but it is our story- and i am seeing God in so many things. and that is beautiful. when you truly stop and admire the work of God, i am blown away.
so when you think of us- say a pray for all the craziness that is our life. for us to be bold and brave in our new journeys. and for us to never take our eyes off Him - because He is all we need to make it through to the next great thing He has in store for us.
love you all bunches.
Australia PART 3: Blue Mountains, Kangaroos & Koalas
18 hours ago