Since August, I was consumed by my Child Life Internship that finished the first week in December. The hours were crazy and with things we had going on in our personal lives- somedays felt impossible and that the end would never be in sight. Though, on December 5th I completed the internship- 632 hours later. It was a huge sigh of relief and I was so proud of myself for accomplishing this goal. I learned so much over those 15 weeks. I now in a waiting period to be approved for my Board Certification test for Child Life and pray that God opens up a Child Life Specialist job here in San Antonio (the Children's Hospitals here have been going thru a lot of changes- so I am a little anxious about finding a job). Though, in the meantime, I will be studying for my Child Life Specialist exam, studying for more teacher certification exams, and continuing to sub while I pray God opens the door He wants me to walk thru. This whole career thing causes me so much anxiety, but with all the other crazy life trials we have been thru this year I have learned more than ever that God goes before you and knows exactly what you need and when you need it- so I am clinging to that as I wait patiently for the Lord to provide.
Reagan has been busy with work and grad school online with Texas A&M. He made a 4.0 his first semester- whoop! and is loving his classes. He was invited right before Christmas to attend a 1 week leadership training course with the big bosses of his company- and while he was there found out that he will be receiving a promotion in the new year- God is good! He was completely taken aback by this, but so excited at the same time because he will be putting to use things he is already learning in grad school.
Sweet Lyla (our precious pup) is doing great- we are so blessed by this pup. We are really wanting to get her a puppy friend in the new year but we cannot decide on a breed. She has definitely made the worst days better with all her cuddles!
There were several moments in 2014 that I questioned whether we would make it to 2015. It was beyond rough friends. But I know more than anything, the only reason we were able to make it thru was by God's grace and loving mercy. He carried us thru some of the darkest days, and placed the most genuine, God loving and fearing friends in our lives who carried us thru and prayed for us when we didn't have the words. I will never be able to repay them for what they have done, so I just continue to remind myself to show and tell them how much they mean to us and how much we love them. Cling to the people God places in your life- because they are there for a reason. They laughed with us on the good days and held us and cried with us and prayed for us on the bad days. These are our people, and we are so incredibly grateful to God for them- we are definitely better because of them.
As I sit here in 2015, I have decided that my phrase for the year is going to be "walk in God's grace." God's grace is the only reason why I am where I am today. He has heard my prayers and my cries over this last year, wiped my tears, and clothed me in His grace. I want to continue focusing on His grace and love throughout this next year, and spend time in His word continuing to learn about Him and His unfailing gracious love.
My prayer for 2015 is that I live intentionally, love well, focus on the things that matter most, embrace where I am, discern the voice of God, let go of trying to control what I can't, pursue and date my husband, remind those who mean the most to me how much I love them, and live in the moment- the here and now.
This is a new year. a new chapter. a time to let go of the things I no longer want to hold onto, and embrace who God is molding me to be. This is a new chapter of my book, and I pray this year I allow God to write the story as I walk with Him thru the day to day. Because more than anything, in 2014 I learned that Jesus is all I need. When I am broken, He is enough.
Praying you all have started 2015 will full hearts surrounded by people you love.
This is a new year, embrace what God has in-store.
With Love,

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