So Wednesday night after women's bible study I started feeling yuck. I just thought my allergies were acting up and that everything would be fine with a little sleep. Well throughout the night I kept waking up and my left ear was throbbing. I just thought maybe I had slept on it wrong and tried to go back to sleep.
Thursday morning came and when I woke up I definitely wasn't feeling 100% but thought that it was just allergies (still) and a little cold so I got dressed for work and went about my day. By about 1 pm yesterday I started feeling really worn down and thought "WOW, I need a nap!!" By 4 pm when I met my mom to get my nails and toes done for the event in Nebraska, I felt like I had been hit by a train. According to my mom I also looked like a train had ran over me -- I was so weak and exhausted and my body just hurt. All week, kids in are classroom have been sick or been out because they were sick. I knew sooner or later I was going to catch whatever they had, but I didn't think I would feel this horrible. By last night, it hurt to swallow and by 8:30 pm bed was calling my name... so I climbed in and tried to fall asleep and eventually succeeded... it seemed to take forever, but Reagan said I was out the minute I laid down.
This morning my sweet hubby got me up and took me to the doctor. In my mind I thought I just had a really bad sinus infection... because I keep getting them quite frequently lately! For the past couple of months, I have been sick with sinus infections and just haven't been able to get to 100% after I take all my medicine... so when I got to the doctor he wanted to take some blood work just to make sure that my immune system was okay and that I was able to fight whatever I was sick with since I have been getting sick a lot lately. I told him that a lot of the kids in my class have been sick and he decided he wanted to run a strep test just in case, but thought I only had a really bad viral infection.
Well we were both wrong-- I tested POSITIVE for strep and my count was very high... it took him aback that I even had strep because I didn't have all the symptoms, but he said that the results (for testing positive) were so high he was surprised I didn't have fever -- Yes, we can all conclude I have a very weird body!! So he wrote me a prescription for a Z-pack, lots of rest and fluids and told me I was RESTRICTED from FLYING.
When he said this last thing I almost started crying in his office... RESTRICTED from FLYING?!?! You have got to be kidding me!!!! Reagan and I have looked forward to this trip to Nebraska to be there for his mom's event for so long.... holding back the tears was hard to do, but I managed not to until Reagan and I got in the car and then there was no holding back. He preceded to tell me that he just didn't feel like it was a good idea for me to get on a plane since I have been sick a lot lately and there are so many nasty Germs on planes that he was afraid I would get even more sick (which is definitely not what I want). He also said that no one would want to sit next to me on the plane if they knew I was contagious with strep throat... which if I was sitting next to someone on the plane that had that I would be freaking out and putting anti-bacterial on my hands every 5 seconds.
He told me to call the airline and ask for paperwork to be sent to his office to say that I had been restricted from flying per doctor's orders so that we could get reimbursed for my ticket. So, Reagan calls American Airlines and let's them know the situation. They tell him they stopped doing reimbursements a while back and that all he could do was refund him half of what my ticket costs and that the other half would go to being charged for not being able to fly on my designated flights today-- awesome, punish me because my doctor says I am contagious and can't fly --- that sounds like a brilliant idea... NOT! It is definitely not my fault that I cannot fly and that my doctor doesn't want me getting on the plane and getting others sick or for me to get even more sick... doesn't make sense to me at all. But like Reagan said, we need to do what is best for me and that is getting better and sleeping this weekend and that in the end it is just money and that my health is more important -- what an incredibly sweet hubby I have, I just love him to pieces. :)
SO, to say the least, I am bummed. I couldn't go to work today and see my beautiful kiddos, I can't go to Nebraska this weekend and be a part of the fabulous event, my husband will be gone all weekend and I get to stay in bed and rest (which sounds amazing since I am so drained) but I am missing out on ALL the FUN and I definitely do NOT like that!!!!
So, please pray for Reagan as he flies to Nebraska today, and for my body to start healing and for me to get the much needed rest I need this weekend.
It is going to be a long weekend without my hubby... I hate when he has to leave and I am sick, but I am glad that he is not sick also (my sick germs haven't attacked him yet) and he is able to be there for his mom and her big event. Luckily my parents live right around the corner and will take great care of me while he is gone!
I hope everyone has a better Friday than me :(
"Lord, I pray that you keep my husband safe this weekend while he travels and that you lay your healing hands over me."
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.”