Ok so seriously... I loathe studying... and a lot of the time lately I have been wishing I was done with school... and way farther in my future... like with the best child development career and my wonderful husband Reagan... not having to worry about staying up most of the night to study for tests that shouldn't even determine how smart you are. Because people like me just are not the best at tests. I could tell you tons about the subject.. but tests seriously just SUCK! I am so ready for spring break... for a mental break... I need it bad! I need sleep... right now my head is pounding and I just need sleep...but I do not really think that is an option anytime soon! blahhhh :(
This was such a random blog... but totally how I am feeling right here and now... and to top it all off it is Monday and it rained today... I am just ready for sun and pretty weather... please God send the sun so I do not feel like I live in Seattle all the time!
Sorry for all the blahhness this blog had to offer, I am seriously just so done with school and studying right now and really needing a break and time to be with my family. I hope everyone had a wonderful day and found happiness in today. Out of all the yuckiness in today I did find happiness, I got to see Reagan today and be an encouragement for him after he pulled an all nighter. He is an incredible person and always so full of encouragement even when he is tired... love him so much!
"Life is a journey, but take time to stop and smell the flowers."
Best of Sales!
56 minutes ago
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