All I can do is sit here and smile as I write this post. Even though there is so much going on around me and so much I should be doing, I am filled with great joy for the simple things God has given me in my life.
Tonight after I got home from class, Reagan was waiting for me to eat dinner with him. He had the casserole in the oven and it was just finishing as I sat my backpack down. We started chatting about our days, eating dinner, and then he got ready to leave for youth. I on the other hand am stuck at home studying for a test I have tomorrow, washing dishes, washing laundry, and trying to pick up... I would much rather be at youth than studying! Though, as he left he told me what time he was going to be home and I told him I would see him later. He walked to the door and I thought he had left and when I looked up he was standing right next to me. I asked him what he was doing and he said he came back to give me a hug and kiss because he didn't want to miss out on the little things. Totally a proud wife moment and it made my heart melt a little too. Even though I am exhausted by the end of the day with everything I have going on, I love those moments that give me a little pick me up.
I also love knowing that each day when I finish my classes the first person I can call is my mom and we talk about our days and how things are going. These simple moments make me miss my mom more than anything, but make me realize even more that my mom is one of my very best friends and I can tell her anything. I love how much she loves me, my crazy passion for kids and families, and that she supports me in my endeavors. I also love knowing that my dad will try to Skype me multiple times in the day just so we can see each other, talk about our day, tell each other how much we miss one another... without this little piece of technology I would definitely miss seeing my dad's face and hearing his voice as we chat. I am so blessed to have two incredible parents that stand behind me through all life's craziness, and love me as the person God has molded me into.
I also love knowing that each day I will have a long chat with my best friend Hannah. She is definitely my sound board, my idea person, my go to girl, my other half, my sister. Talking to her each day gives me such a great boost and lets me know that I always have someone there to pick up the phone and talk to. I will admit at times in my life as our friendship has blossomed I have taken for granted some of the most beautiful things that I love most about this relationship. Though, lately I start my day out praying for this sweet family and God's blessings upon them. True best friends are the best to have and the most valuable to cherish, and this beautiful one is a relationship I hold tight to my heart. For all that we have been through together, by simply hearing her voice on the other end of the phone makes me smile and stop and thank God for all the good things that have flown from this relationship.
These three simple things have most definitely made me smile today and let me know that at the end of the day everything is going to be ok and that God has me cradled perfectly in His arms... what a comforting thought! My challenge is that you really sit down tonight and reflect on your day and the simple things that you saw God had a hand in and made you smile.
"Take time to enjoy the simple things in life; they are beautiful gifts from our Heavenly Father."
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
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I love the sweet, tender mercies of the Lord. Thanks for reminding me to take time to praise and thank Him! You are the cutest girl. Good luck this week in school :)