So, during this semester of my life I have discovered more than ever that life happens... people change, things happen (good or bad) but life still moves on whether we move on without it or not (sometimes it is harder to take a step forward for fear of change--- at least from my perspective). Though, something I have learned and held tightly to even through the changes of life is that even though friendships may change the heart of the friendship always remains. I had a hard time realizing that this semester with every thing that has come my way (graduation, craziness of life, meeting new people, new roles in life... etc) though, I was reminded tonight that even though friendships may change the heart of a friendship will always be there. That my friends, is refreshing because I am one who hates change... so to know that even though things happen in life that the heart of a friendship is still there even when everything else in my world feels out of control and chaotic... it is such a beautiful thing to find rest in-- this really shows me that deep down these are friendships that are truly connected at the heart. I have really learned that friendships are so important in life and even more importantly having a friendship with my spouse is extremely important; I am so blessed to know that my relationship with Reagan began as a beautiful friendship that blossomed into so much more. Though, each day it needs pruning and care so that it can blossom and flourish to be the best of what God needs it to be (I am looking forward to learning how to better invest my time into my relationship with my husband!!!) -- today's church service really enforced this for me; definitely something I needed to hear!
I sit here tonight reflecting... grateful for all that God has given me in the midst of this crazy semester of life. Moving forward, I think even more than ever I will cherish the true friendships that God has given me and remind myself when life gets crazy and changes that my true friends are those in which there is a heart connection; those that love me through the pain and laughter of life even though I may not see them every day. These friends are those that are few and far to find but are such beautiful relationships when God places them in your life. So, I challenge you to really reach the heart of your relationships and friendships so that when hard times and happy times do come you know that there our people on your side who love you wholeheartedly and care about you more than ever even when all things seem so unfamiliar. The greatest friendships are those that are bonded at the heart and filled with love... just some thoughts from tonight for things God really showed me and reminded me today.
I hope everyone had a wonderful mother's day! I am blessed beyond belief to have such an incredible mother who loves me so much--- she is my best friend and I do not know what I would do without her. Thank you Lord for giving me my beautiful mother; I am truly blessed :)
PS: I have so much to write about from graduation (and pictures to share) but tonight is not the night-- it has been an extremely long weekend and I am just too tired. So, be looking for my graduation recap and pictures this weekend!
"When one allows themselves to be vulnerable and expose their heart, they blossom and are used by God in more ways than we could ever comprehend."
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