Lately I have realized that being an adult is hard sometimes... well, maybe a lot of the time. There are so many decisions that need to be made, things that need to be done, and a check list on life that never seems to end. There are also times when everything seems to be going great and then you are stopped dead in your tracks because you do not understand the direction life is taking you. To say the least, the life of an adult is unpredictable and the seasons you may have to endure are very hard to walk through at times. Though, as an adult I have learned that I cannot deal with all the stuff of life on my own. I have found my own personal "sound boards" that I know will give me the most sound advice when I need it. I know that these certain women will listen to my heart, help comfort me, tell me straight how I should handle the situation and pray for me. Without these specific ladies I have in my life, I do not know how I would have made it through the stuff I have had to walk through our first year of marriage... life is just too unpredictable and I am learning and having to remind myself each day that God has a plan for my life even when I may not be understanding what is going on in the midst of all the craziness. Each day this last week, my prayer was that God would give me a heart that was in-tune with His well being for my life and Reagan's life; this was hard for me to pray because it is so hard to give every aspect of life to God (my human nature is to try to fix things on my own -- BAD IDEA!)-- though I knew this needed to be done so that I could have a peace in knowing that I am not affecting the ways of my life through my own sinful nature as a person. I know that my God is a gracious and loving God and through the good and bad times of life He will love me no matter what and that is such a wonderful promise to hold on to. My mind and heart will be in prayer a lot in the weeks to come, because like most adults, Reagan and I have very big decisions to make for the both of us... I am a little scared/nervous but I know that God will provide for our every need. So if you read this, please just pray for us-- pray that God speaks to us and uses us in the ways we need to be used by Him.
Oh PS: I have another interview with Gladney adoption agency at 2pm tomorrow. Prayers are very needed and I would be so grateful! I absolutely love the mission of this company and the people that work there and this would be a dream come true opportunity if this was my first job out of college. So I am praying that God works through me tomorrow to show the people I speak with that I would be a wonderful addition to their company!
"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord... to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11
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