Ephesians 2:8-9, "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast."

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Then two became one...

So  this morning I woke up to an empty bed.  Secretly I was hoping that my hubby would still be here when I rolled over this morning... though when I woke up I was very disappointed because he was not there which meant the store was open.  The sun has come out and it has started to warm up some and the snow has begun to melt, which means that Carmax was open today and Reagan had to go to work.  Let me just say, I got spoiled this week.  It was an absolute treat having him to myself every day this week with no where to go.  We made up for so much quality time that we have missed out on since we have been so busy lately.  It was just so nice to not have a care in the world this week since we were iced and snowed in and it just allowed us to focus on each other, talk, be silly with each other, watch movies together-- it was the most perfect week ever.  Though, now I am sad that he is not here and I am home alone till late tonight since the store has not been opened all week, it will be open late tonight due to the crazy weather we had this week-- which means he will work late since he has not gotten to make a sale all week (part of me is ok with this because he is doing what he has to do to provide for us, but the other part of me is being a little selfish and I want him home so that we can spend more time together). 

Since he is not home today I guess that means that I need to finish the last couple loads of laundry, and do homework/studying that I have put off all week because spending quality time with my husband was more important than anything on my to do list.  I definitely realized this week that I take too much for granted, and that sometimes I just need to stop no matter how much homework I have or how busy life is and spend time investing in our relationship-- because in the end the relationship I have with my husband is all that really matters.  So I sit here smiling this morning because I think God knew I needed to learn a little lesson with all this snow and ice, I needed to learn that it is not so important if all my things are checked off my list; it is more important to cherish the sweet moments I have with my husband.  So in the months to come till graduation I am going to remind myself frequently of this snow week and how incredible it felt to not have a care in the world and be curled up in my husbands arms loving every second of the time we were spending together.  Note to self- this does not mean that I am going to slack off for the next couple of months till graduation but I am going to allow myself breaks to just curl up in the arms of my husband and appreciate life's little blessings.  I hope everyone has a productive Saturday since the snow is melting and we can all get out and about!  Remember to enjoy the little things in life, because at the end of the day the checklist really is not that important!

I will leave you with this sweet picture of Reagan and I from our wedding day-- our expressions say it all, life is so much better with him by my side and being married to him has been the best gift God has given me thus far!

"God help me to remember to stop and appreciate the little things in life that You have given me that bring so much joy to my life."

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